Robert Fripp

Robert Fripp's Diary

Tuesday 16 March 1999

Doubletree Guest Suites Austin Texas

08.18 #1311, Doubletree Guest Suites, Austin, Texas.

An uneventful, comfortable flight from Heathrow to Washington Dulles. A loyal United 1K frequent flyer, an overbooked economy section, a complimentary upgrade into Connoisseur Class: seat 8B. Then a 3 hour connector in economy to Austin with - luxury, luxury - two open seats next to me.

About the only time I read newspapers is travelling. On long flights, I take a Private Eye along with the Financial Times, Guardian, Telegraph & Herald Tribune. Together these cover a fairly broad range of opinion & commentary. To (approximately) quote a former British honorary consul to a small Latin American country: "Private Eye is scurrilous, but you have to get the truth somewhere". The current Eye carries a notice that it has lost yet another libel action, & are paying large damages and legal costs to the plaintiff.

Pat Mastelotto met me at the airport and kindly brought me here. Pat had already checked me in, with capuccino machine & various delicacies to ease the life of a Travelling Gigster. (Quaff, quaff from the large cup of Demon Brew). A fax from Toyah waiting in the room cheered this Lone Gigster.

16.56 Pat collected me just after ten, drove me around town to give me a sense of what's where, then took me out to his garage / rehearsal room. Then to the airport to collect a hire car. I set off boldly without getting lost, but not finding the movie house I was looking for either. So, with a pile of groceries, I am now doing my best to stay awake for as long as possible. Major decisions involving the future in England hover, but I am powerless to do anything in this state or at this time.

The Austin folk I've met so far are really friendly.

